MLTT Match Format

During the regular season, division matches will be held in team cities with all 4 teams facing off against each other on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each head to head match will be worth 21 points with each point contributing to overall team standings.

Match Format

Singles 1 – A/B Matchup 3 games, each worth one point 3
Singles 2 – C/D Matchup 3 games, each worth one point 3
Doubles 3 games, each worth one point 3
Singles 3 – C/D Matchup 3 games, each worth one point 3
Singles 4 – A/B Matchup 3 games, each worth one point 3
Golden Game All five players play and alternate every 4 points until one team scores 21. 6
Total Points at Stake per Match 21